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Outplacement program
Job candidate

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What is a program at Makio?

Have you been made redundant and need to start looking for new job opportunities?

Most people experience this once or more in their careers: being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are not alone!

When moving forward in your career after a redundancy, you may need to rebuild your self-confidence and become aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and successes. And that’s exactly what our outplacement program can help you with.

Regardless of your field and industry, we focus on getting to know you and ensuring that you find out what the right job for you is. Throughout the program, you will be strengthened both personally and professionally, building an (even) stronger foundation for your next job. Our goal is for your next job to be your best job yet. We believe that each redundancy and each person is entirely unique, and our program reflects that.

Since 1996, we at Makio have specialized in this process, helping thousands of candidates advance in their careers. We offer a program that ensures you move confidently and strongly towards your next dream job. We are your workmate throughout the entire job search process, which can feel like a bit of a roller coaster. Here on this page, you can learn more about how our program helps you find clarity and move forward quickly and effectively.

Why use a program?

There are several good reasons why an outplacement program can set you on the right path – both in terms of ending your current job and beginning your new one. Every situation is unique, and at Makio, we start the program by getting to know you and your story better. The program is based on individual career development through counseling, workshops, and networking. The close contact and confidential sparring with your personal advisor form your solid foundation.

At Makio, our core values are humility, presence, courage, and professionalism, and they are the basis of our approach and the program you receive. We support you from termination until you have started a new job, education, entrepreneurship, or retirement – actually, up to 100 days into the new beginning.

The program is individually tailored, focusing on you, your situation, and your needs. You will have a personal and experienced advisor who helps you sharpen your understanding of your strengths and how your future career should look for you to thrive. Together, we work on strengthening you both personally and professionally, ensuring you stand even stronger in your next job.

How a program can unfold

Our program is based on tailored career development through individual counseling, workshops, and networking. The close relationship with your personal advisor forms the solid foundation.

The program begins with intensive coaching, typically with weekly meetings lasting about 1.5 hours. Meetings can be held either in person or online, depending on what makes the most sense for you.

We always start the process with an initial informal meeting. Here, we discuss your new situation, align expectations, and develop a shared plan at the right pace towards your next job.

Your personal advisor and workmate are always accessible via phone or email. It’s flexible and secure, and sometimes you may need quick advice. To ensure our guidance meets your needs, we continually adjust expectations throughout the entire process.

All our processes comply with GDPR, and all agreements are made between you and Makio.

Digital universe and
active networking

Several times a year, we host what we call Makio Move On. It’s a professional networking event focused on community and positive energy. Here, in a safe environment, you can meet other job candidates who, across various industries and roles, are in the same position as you.

The best part was that the program was tailored to me and my situation, not a standard program

Have you been assigned an outplacement program?

Reach out and hear how we can help your business

If you are in doubt about anything, do not hesitate to call us at 8874 4912

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