
Pil knap

Have you been made redundant?
-move forward successfully

Right when it happens, you might think, “ouch, crap,” get angry, upset, or feel completely empty.

Many just want to quickly move on to the next job. Preferably one that resembles the old one. Others have no idea what they want.

We’ll help you safely, effectively, and swiftly move forward.

Your next job should be:
- the right job
- at the right time
- in the right place
- in the right dose and form

This time won’t come again. We can help make it a period where you gain deeper insight into yourself and emerge stronger than ever before. So, use your advisor. Life is too short not to have a great job.

For us, that’s good outplacement.


out of 5, would recommend Makio.


out of 10, are in thier next great job within 6 months.

The best part was that the program was tailored to me and my situation, not just a standard one-size-fits-all approach

What is an outplacement program?

n our outplacement program, we support you from the moment of termination until you’ve started a new job, education, become self-employed, or retired – actually, 100 days into the new endeavor.

Our experienced advisors approach each of you with humility, presence, professionalism, and courage.

Our aim is for your next job to be your coolest job yet.

Outplacementforløb hos Makio

Reach out ...

… if you’ve been assigned a program but haven’t been contacted.

Meet your experienced
advisor here

Here are some tips for you as you navigate your job search journey

Been made redundant, now what?

We all react differently to challenges, and that includes when we’re told we’ve been let go.

That’s why we’ve gathered tips for the initial period, so you can delve in and find information that suits your needs right here and now.

The whole process was incredibly empowering for my self-esteem and belief in my abilities, and there was room to talk about uncertainties

Download our booklet

“I’m afraid I can’t make it!”

That’s how you might feel like responding if you’re invited to an event with white tablecloth, seating plan… and you’re job hunting.

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Reach out and hear how we can help your business

If you are in doubt about anything, do not hesitate to call us at 8874 4912

Contact us

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