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Navigating Forward

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On your way to your dream job

When it happens, you might feel a pang of ‘ouch’, ‘damn’, anger, sadness, or even emptiness.

And that’s completely normal. Your body reacts to being laid off as a crisis, sending you into survival mode. Many just want to swiftly move on to the next job, preferably one similar to the old one. Others are uncertain about their next steps.

Most of us experience it once or more in a career—being laid off. But becoming adept at quickly transitioning, gaining clarity, pursuing the right opportunities, and excelling in interviews—that’s a rare skill.

At Makio, we’ve been there before. With 25 years of experience and thousands of successful candidates, we understand that while you can navigate this alone, it can be a lonely journey. That’s why your personal advisor becomes your workmate.

Together, we examine your entire self—and look forward—with an open mind. We explore which responsibilities you wish to expand, which tasks you’re content to leave behind, what type of leader you seek, and your desired salary.

We stay focused, keep spirits high, and help you discover your strengths, aspirations, and path forward.

You’re well on your way to your next dream job. We’ll guide you confidently, effectively, and swiftly forward.

What is an outplacement program?

In our outplacement program, we accompany you from the moment of termination until you’ve started in a new job, education, as an entrepreneur, or into retirement – actually, 100 days into the new journey.

Our experienced advisors approach each of you job candidates with humility, presence, professionalism, and courage.

Our goal is for your next job to be your best fit yet.

Would you like to hear more?

Reach out and hear how we can help your business

If you are in doubt about anything, do not hesitate to call us at 8874 4912

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