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International collaboration

Pil knap

International collaboration

We can support you globally with outplacement for international subsidiaries through a single contact at Makio, Denmark — securely, easily, and quickly.

To meet the needs of international companies, we’ve been part of the global outplacement network Career Star Group since 2013.

This network connects like-minded consultancy firms across more than 100 countries, with over 1,000 offices in total.

This means we can assist your company with offboarding and outplacement during reorganizations, no matter where your departments and subsidiaries are located around the world. We can also support expatriates, all while leveraging the benefits of our local presence.

Like Makio, all partners are specialized in outplacement and carefully selected based on their values and social responsibility. We meet with our partners regularly, with the most recent in-person meeting held in May 2023 in France.

We handle both regional and global agreements, and you have the same local contact at Makio, Denmark, throughout the process. It’s easy, time-saving, and reassuring to reach out to the people you know when things get urgent.

We know the right people around the world.

To me, the 'M' in Makio stands for people—especially human relationships. This is something they excel at: understanding people and building meaningful connections.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Our outplacement services are for everyone—whether you have one employee or many, whether you’re office staff, academics, managers, or hourly workers. We only take on as many clients and candidates as we can fully support.

Our outplacement services are for everyone, whether you have one employee or many — skilled, unskilled, office staff, academics, or managers. We match each candidate with the right, experienced advisor.

The cost of an outplacement program is less than one month’s salary. On average, it takes 4.7 months to find a new job. Often, salary savings can be made during the notice period.

Outplacement is a valuable investment—find out why here.

Our advisors have an average tenure at Makio of 6.6 years and extensive professional experience.

Our tools are tried and tested, continually developed and updated over our 25 years in the industry.

Last but not least, it’s about chemistry and much more than just CVs and cover letters.

We provide each candidate with a dedicated and accessible advisor because when you need guidance, things often need to move quickly. We also have a backup advisor available. We regularly align expectations, and if the initial match isn’t right, we’ll find a new one.

You can read more about our values here.

Can you provide international support?

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Når du tilmelder dig Makios nyhedsbrev via e-mail får du viden, konkrete råd og inspiration om HR, karriere, ledelse, et bæredygtigt arbejdsliv samt invitationer til events. Du vil også modtage information om vores ydelser, og du kan til enhver tid framelde dig igen. Læs, hvordan vi behandler dine oplysninger her.

Reach out and hear how we can help your business

If you are in doubt about anything, do not hesitate to call us at 8874 4912

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